EHCR Clusters / Contact

Dear all

One the main objectives of the Eastern & Home Counties Regional Committee is to promote and foster solidarity between branches across sectors. To that aim we have produced a contact list with a difference that we are referring to as Regional Cluster Contacts. We have attempted in conjunction with the Regional Office to group institutions geographically and put them in a numbered cluster. The aim is very simple; that institutions within clusters (if they haven’t done so already) contact each other preferably meeting on a semi-regular basis so that they can exchange information, ideas, friendship and when necessary, offer practical support & solidarity.

This is not meant to be too formal an approach or be an increase to your workload but just to be a resource to assist local branches to reach out and make contact. The list will be updated at the beginning of every academic year and stored in 2 places for convenience which will be the Regional Office website and the Regional Committee’s website. (all contact info on the list is already in the public domain btw for those concerned about GDPR)

We do hope you find this resource useful and look forward to seeing you at our next Regional Committee meeting.

Reg Cttee BRANCH clusters with rep contact details